Walter Benjamin Kolleg

Distinguished Lectures Series – Ethics and/of Contingency

‘Far other Worlds, and other seas’: Thinking with Literature in the 21st Century

Friday, 2014/10/17, 18:30

Prof. Dr. Terence Cave


Public lecture offering insights into cutting-edge thought within the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Event organizer: Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Terence Cave
Date: 2014/10/17
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: Room 331
University Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Berne
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge

Terence Cave

Professor Terence Cave is Emeritus Professor of French Literature at The University of Oxford and research fellow at St. John’s College, Oxford where he is director of the project “Literature as an Object of Knowledge”, based on the St. John’s College Research Centre and funded by the Balzan Foundation and St. John’s. He has published significantly in both English and French on Early Modern French literature and thought. As well as preparing literary texts for publication, namely Eliot’s Danial Deronda and Silas Marner, he has also published more broadly on literary topics in Recognitions: A Study in Poetics (1988) and Mignon’s Afterlives: Crossing Cultures from Goethe to the Twenty-First Century (2011).


Prof. Dr. Thomas Claviez,
For all organizational details, please contact

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