Silicon Mountains is a research project that originated at the Institute of Social Anthropology. It explores the question of how the digital age affects the Swiss Alps and alters the Alpine space in political, economic and cultural terms. In collaboration with researchers at the Institute of History, the Institute of Geography, the Center for Environment and Development (CDE) and the Wallis University of Applied Sciences, Silicon Mountains aims to encourage scientific exchange and networking among researchers, as well as to support interested students in generating a variety of interdisciplinary research.
More information can be found on the project's websites (in German).
In case of any questions, please contact the coordinator Ariane Zangger via
Institute of Social Anthropology:
- Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj: Anthropologie der Arbeit und des Geldes, Kryptomining
- Dr. Tobias Haller: kommunale Land und Energienutzungsregimes (Wasserkraft) in den Schweizer Alpen
- Dr. Sabine Strasser: Soziale Stratifikation in den Schweizer Alpen
- Dr. Michaela Schäuble: Medienanthropologie und digitaler Wandel in der Kreativindustrie
- Dr. Julia Eckert: Arbeits- und steuerrechtliche Bedingungen der ortsunabhängigen digitalen Arbeit
Institute of Geography:
- Dr. Jean-David Gerber: Ressourcennutzungsveränderungen im Alpenraum, Raumentwicklung und Raumplanung
Centre for Development and Environment:
- Dr. Thomas Breu: Mitherausgeber der Zeitschrift «Mountain Research and Development»
- Dr. Elisabeth Bürgi-Bonanomi: Leiterin des Sustainability Governance Cluster
Institute of History:
- Dr. Silvia Berger Ziauddin: Die Schweiz unter Grund und vertikale Blicke, Infrastrukturen und Technologien (19.-21. Jh.)
HES-SO Valais-Wallis:
- Dr. Viviane Cretton: Devenir local en zone de montagne: diversification, gentrification, cohabitation. Une comparaison Alpes suisses-Pyrénées espagnoles
- Dr. Andrea Friedli: Devenir local en zone de montagne: diversification, gentrification, cohabitation. Une comparaison Alpes suisses-Pyrénées espagnoles
- Dr. Thierry Amrein: Visiting Researcher HES-SO Valais: Gender Anthropologie
Upcoming projects
Please find calls for new projects here.
Ariane Zangger: