Walter Benjamin Kolleg

Distinguished Lectures Series – Ethics and/of Contingency

The World as a Universe of Possibilities: Absolute Freedom or Existential Overload?

Monday, 2015/12/14, 18:30

Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht


Public lecture offering insights into cutting-edge thought within the Humanities and Social Sciences.

Event organizer: Walter Benjamin Kolleg
Speaker: Prof. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Date: 2015/12/14
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: Room 220
University Main Building
Hochschulstrasse 4
3012 Berne
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht is the Albert Guérard Professor in Literature in the Departments of Comparative Literature and of French & Italian at Stanford University. Nine honorary doctorates in six different countries, visiting professorships at, for example, the Collège de France, the University of Manchester, and the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro testify to his great standing in international academia. As a public intellectual and highly prolific writer, he contributes to fields as diverse as the histories of national literatures in Romance languages, western philosophical traditions, or forms of aesthetic experience in 21st-century everyday culture. His latest books include Atmosphere, Mood, Stimmung: On a Hidden Potential of Literature (2012), Explosionen der Aufklärung. Diderot, Goya, Lichtenberg, Mozart (2013), and After 1945: Latency as Origin of the Present (2013).

Workshop with Professor Gumbrecht

Prof. Dr. Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Prof. Dr. Thomas Claviez, University of Bern, Moderator

Registration is required for the Distinguished Lectures Series Workshop featuring the invited speaker (for contact details, please see below). After a short introduction round of the participants, the workshop is structured in three parts. Part 1 allows participants to ask questions related to the speaker’s lecture. Part 2 serves discussing a text by the invited speaker that participants receive as preparatory reading to the workshop. Part 3 offers the opportunity to bring up topics of discussion related to one’s own research or interest.

Date: December 15th, 2015
Time: 9:30 – 12:15
Place: University of Bern, UniS, Schanzeneckstrasse 1, Room A-119


Prof. Dr. Thomas Claviez,
For all organizational details, please contact

Registration Workshop: