Walter Benjamin Kolleg

Kick-off Event

Tuesday, 2015/09/22, 18:15

Wendy Law-Yone, Schriftstellerin, Burma


Der Auftakt mit der vierten Friedrich Dürrenmatt Gastprofessorin, der burmesischen Schriftstellerin Wendy Law-Yone.

Event organizer: Walter Benjamin Kolleg | Gastprofessur | Auftakt
Speaker: Wendy Law-Yone, Schriftstellerin, Burma
Date: 2015/09/22
Time: 18:15 - 19:45
Venue: -
Haus der Universität
Schlösslistrasse 5
3008 Bern
Characteristics: open to the public
free of charge

Kick-off Event FT 2015

Wendy Law-Yone wird einen Vortrag halten, „Friedrich Dürrenmatt and Me: A Writer’s Journey from Burma to Berne“, und Auszüge aus ihrem Werk lesen. Im Anschluss spricht die Autorin über ihre Pläne in Bern mit der Anglistin Prof. Virginia Richter (Dekanin) und dem KomparatistenProf. Oliver Lubrich (Projektleiter).

Wendy Law-Yone is a Burmese-born novelist whose books have been translated into many languages, while her short stories, book reviews, and articles have appeared in international anthologies, periodicals, and newspapers like The Guardian, The Times Literary Supplement, The Washington Post, Time Magazine, Atlantic Monthly, and Architectural Digest. Her novels have been on the curriculum of literature, history and Asian Studies courses in universities throughout Europe and the United States. Irrawaddy Tango was nominated for the 1994 Irish Times International Fiction Prize. The Road to Wanting was longlisted for the 2011 Orange Prize. International awards for her writing include a National Endowment for the Arts Literature Award for Creative Writing, a Harvard Foundation Award for International Literary Arts and Intercultural Relations, and a David T. K. Wong Creative Writing Fellowship from the University of East Anglia. Banned in Burma for more than two decades, the first of Wendy Law-Yone’s books to be translated into Burmese – her recent memoir, Golden Parasol – was an instant bestseller.